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Jul 10, 2024

Actor, Sophia Blum, who plays Martha on "The Chosen" shares about her journey playing this beloved character.

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Today’s Guest: Sophia Blum is originally from Providence, Rhode Island, Sophia has recently returned to the Ocean State after almost a decade in New York, gaining experience and training as an actor and educator. She discovered a passion for Shakespeare in college, and has since been in around a dozen shakespearean productions all over the country. Although, she is trained in the classics, Sophia enthusiastically explores projects in all genres, including devised pieces, comedies, and on-camera work. Most recently, Sophia appeared in season 4 of the series, "The Chosen," as Martha, a recurring character.

Show Sponsor: Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done by Katie M. Reid. Pick a copy today for you and a friend and start walking in freedom as a beloved daughter of God. 

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