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May 29, 2024

Billie Jauss, author of Distraction Detox, helps us release emotional barriers, restructure priorities and find peace in chaos.

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Today's Guest: Billie Jauss is an international speaker, author, and podcast host with over 35 years of experience navigating life as the wife of a Major League Baseball coach. She shares her story and insights as a speaker while promoting the work of Compassion International. Billie is on a mission to help women connect with people, conquer distractions, and find peace in life’s chaos so they can share God with those He has placed in front of them.

Show Sponsor: Grab your copy of the “Let Hope Arise” devotional today! Five beautifully-written devotions from the Martha + Mary Sisterhood to infuse your day with a hope-filled perspective. Each day focuses on Jesus’ interactions with one of his friends, and also includes a prayer, scripture reading, and a reflection question.

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