Sep 18, 2019
We sat down with Joanna Weaver for a heart-to-heart chat about Martha + Mary. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these women that Jesus loved, and what we can learn from these sisters and their relationships with Him. We also talk about our own grace awakening moments as we kickoff Season 2.
Sep 11, 2019
What does it look like to live out your dream and calling? Authors, speakers, and show hosts, Katie and Lee, talk about the timing, joys, and costs of walking out their God-given purpose. They discuss what they learned along the way, including the reality of being baptized in their messages.
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Sep 4, 2019
Abby Banfield joins us as we talk about strategic friendships and how it's beneficial to have Martha-mentors and Mary-mentors. We dive into: the blessings and blunders that surface in these types of relationships, the beauty of quick mentor moments, and how you can glean wisdom from those you may never meet in person....