Jun 25, 2019
It takes planning to host a party! Birthday parties, summer cookouts, holiday gatherings, and special events can be a lot of fun, and a lot of work.
As you can imagine, Katie and Lee have different party planning styles. In this light-hearted episode, they chat about: their favorite aspects of parties, how to better serve guests, and ideas for simplifying events so you don't stress yourself (and your guests) out.
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Theme music: "Driven" from Katie Reid's "Echoes of My Heart" Album. https://www.katiemreid.com/singer/
More Info: Episode #2: Our Worth + God's Worthiness, Lee's book launch party, Katie's book launch party
Show Sponsor: Amelia Rhodes, Speaker and Author of Isn't It Time for A Coffee? and Pray A to Z https://www.ameliarhodes.com/
Featured Resource: Bair Lake Bible Camp https://www.blbc.com/
Grace Adventures https://graceadventures.org/
Today's Verse: Romans 12:10
Our IG Handles: @leenienhuis @katie_m_reid
Our Hashtags: #marthamaryshow
Episode Producer: Angie Elkins of Chatologie