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Aug 26, 2020

You can offer big hospitality even if you have small means. Katie and Lee share affordable tips for welcoming others into your home and life.

Theme Music: “Better Together” by Cade Popkin

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Aug 19, 2020

There's a lot we can't control right now but we can make these life-giving choices in this season.

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Theme Music: “Better Together” by...

Aug 12, 2020

As the school year starts, stop judging and start linking arms as we make the best decisions we can in these tough times. Counselor Michelle Nietert encourages parents to do some emotion coaching with their kids to minimize back-to-school anxiety.

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Aug 5, 2020

A fictionalized account of Martha of Bethany and how she wasn’t the same after her exchange with Jesus, in John 11. Plus, Rebekah Fedrowtiz shares a refreshing tip for a healthier summer.

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