Sep 11, 2019
What does it look like to live out your dream and calling? Authors, speakers, and show hosts, Katie and Lee, talk about the timing, joys, and costs of walking out their God-given purpose. They discuss what they learned along the way, including the reality of being baptized in their messages.
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Theme music: “Driven” from Katie Reid’s “Echoes of My Heart” Album.
Things We Talk About:
Today’s Verse: Romans 11:29
"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”
Featured Resource: “Write a Story” song by Niki Homan (from the Praise Is Rising album)
Show Sponsor: The Prayerful Planner: These beautiful planners are the perfect resource for Martha and Mary types. They combine prayer and planning so you can organize your days without neglecting what matters most.
Lee’s Dreams: Writing for Tween Girls, Continue to minister in Haiti
Katie’s Dreams: 2-book deal, “Stop! Hammock Time” Live Event
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Episode Producer: Jeanna Lesausky